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September 25, 2024

The Steve Jones Show:

Steve Jones Show Hour 2 – 09-24-2024 -

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Champaign News-Gazette’s Loren Tate 09-24-2024 -

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Neal Coolong 09-24-2024 -

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

5/17/22 Hour 1 – Steve Says B1G TV Deal Could Include Streaming

Steve Jones Show
Steve Jones Show
5/17/22 Hour 1 - Steve Says B1G TV Deal Could Include Streaming

Tuesday 5/17/22

Hour 1 – Steve says the upcoming Big Ten TV deal could including streaming components, and The Athletic’s Rob Biertempfel says moving O’Neil Cruz to the outfield is the right move, but could become a high-wire act if he wants to remain at shortstop.

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